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Integrated EV & DER Forecasting, Distribution Impact Assessment, and DER Roadmap Investment Planning

Feb 28, 2024
Energy Orchestration and the DSO

Adoption of distributed energy resources (DERs) including solar photovoltaic (PV), electric vehicles (EV), energy storage, and heat pumps will continue to grow in the coming years. Software solutions and planning methodologies available to electric utilities today require more granular, locational, and temporal long-term forecast scenarios of solar PV, EVs and heat pumps adoption, and the capability to assess the potential impacts on the existing distribution circuit equipment plus the need for equipment upgrades and DERs investment roadmaps under multiple scenarios. During this session, the team will present the results and lessons learned from a demonstration project that used an integrated solution that produces granular locational and temporal future scenarios for electricity loads, EV, heat pump, and solar PV adoption, and assesses the impacts on existing equipment for distribution circuits for each scenario.