Battery Blueprint: Crafting the Future of Energy Storage
This workshop is designed to provide a guide to the future of utility battery energy storage systems. It explores the creation of strategic playbooks for utility companies, delves into the practical aspects of battery deployment and optimization, and emphasizes the importance of safety and emergency preparedness. The workshop aims to bridge the gap between planning and real-world implementation, ensuring that participants are well-equipped to handle both the technical and operational challenges of energy storage systems.
Draft Agenda
Welcome & Sponsor Remarks
Session 1: Creating a Utility Battery Playbook (60 min, 1:20 – 2:20)
Year-over-year energy storage deployments continue to climb at an aggressive pace. Utilities in the U.S. and around the world are anticipating the need to suddenly integrate vast amounts of energy storage into their grids. Such rapid change presents challenges for utilities that need to quickly adapt to incorporate storage into their operations on the grid and into their business processes and procedures. Developing and documenting clear and repeatable leading practices for planning, procuring, deploying, operating, and decommissioning energy storage enables more efficient incorporation of energy storage assets into utility portfolios and establishes a baseline of requirements for all stakeholders.
This session discusses the development of a Battery Playbook and explores the various considerations in tailoring such a document to be utility-specific to support more efficient integration and operation of battery energy storage projects.
- Speakers
- Peggy Ip, EPRI
Session 2: You Bought a Battery…Now What? (60 min, 2:30 – 3:30)
“In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice, while in practice there is.” -Benjamin Brewster.
Projects don’t always go according to plan. This may be especially true for implementing new technologies with unknown unknowns. This panel discussion focuses on implementation approaches and lessons learned in bridging the gap between the planning and operations phases of a project. Panelists will share technical and operational insights in how battery energy storage systems are used and optimized to realize the asset value.
Networking Break
Battery Safety – Fire Prevention and Mitigation Overview (20 min, 3:40 – 4:00) (optional during break)
EPRI is a power industry leader in battery energy storage safety with over five years of research and resources. This optional session will be held during the networking break. The intent of this overview is to raise awareness of EPRI’s available resources that can be used today to support safety implementation and communication.
- Speakers
- Taylor Kelly, EPRI
Session 3: Battery Safety – From Plans to Action (60 min, 4:00 – 5:00)
Battery fires garner a great deal more media attention than comparable fires with other causes. The absence of adequate information about the causes and effects of battery fires often leads authorities to take worst-case scenario measures out of an abundance of caution in the absence of data but may create unnecessary fear and inconvenience.
The above concerns can be addressed through education, and incident preparedness, and by ensuring first responders, utilities, government officials, and the public have access to information about the true risks and effects of battery fires.
This panel will discuss their approach to safety and share their industry-leading work in ensuring the safe deployment and operation of battery energy storage systems.
- Speakers
- Kieran Claffey, Southern Company
- Aron Patrick, PPL
- Alan Ettlinger, NYPA
In Partnership with EPRI
All workshops are open to All-Access badge holders and are free to attend. To ensure your spot, add this workshop to your registration.