March 24-27, 2025 | Dallas, Texas

2025 Technical Conference Sessions

Dominion, National Grid, and SCE approaches to “right-sizing” distribution systems to enable deep decarbonization

March 27, 2025
System Planning , Reliability and Resilience

Decarbonization goals are leading a transition towards higher penetrations of renewables and electrified loads. A robust electric distribution system that is "right-sized" with modern capabilities is needed to achieve increasing customer expectations in a safe, reliable, and affordable manner. As the distribution system rapidly evolves, novel planning, design, and operating processes are also needed to proactively identify and justify the needs and designs of the future.

In this panel, Dominion Energy, National Grid, Southern California Edison (SCE), and EPRI will share their approaches to handling mass electrification and renewable growth, including the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of each solution. Dominion Energy will discuss the benefits and challenges associated with its 34.5 kV distribution system, and National Grid will speak on capacity solutions for legacy 4 kV systems.

In addition, SCE and EPRI will present key findings from the recent grid architecture project. In this project, EPRI conducted an in-depth review of unique grid architectures and designs globally to uncover the best practices and methods established by various regions. It highlighted, on a global scale, the innovative and forward-thinking methods being adopted for future grid developments as well as case studies for grid transformations at various levels of transmission and distribution.

Panel Moderator
Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith, Director, Grid Operations and Planning - EPRI
Julio Romero Agüero
Julio Romero Agüero, Senior Vice President, Strategy and Business Innovation, and Executive Advisor - Quanta Technology
Ben York
Ben York, Program Manager of Integrated Grid & Energy Systems (IGES) Applications - EPRI
Bridget Powers Beggs
Bridget Powers Beggs, Associate Engineer - National Grid
Brenden Russell
Brenden Russell, Principal Manager of Technology Strategy - Southern California Edison (SCE)
Rick Siepka
Rick Siepka, Electric Distribution Grid Planning Manager - Dominion Energy