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Georgia Power proves why T&D can't be siloed

March 26, 2025
C147/ 154
Transmission Customer Engagement Bulk Power Workforce

In the face of unprecedented growth experienced by Georgia Power, the importance of seamless communication and collaboration across transmission and distribution organizations cannot be overstated. As the demand for energy increases and the infrastructure expands, the potential for operational challenges and customer impact also rises.

Georgia Power created a document that serves as a comprehensive guide for Southern Company's transmission and distribution (T&D) departments, outlining the procedures and criteria for cross-departmental work coordination meetings. The primary purpose of these guidelines and meetings is to ensure the successful execution and management of T&D projects by fostering enhanced awareness and stakeholder engagement throughout all project phases. By implementing strategic work planning and mitigation strategies, the aim is to minimize the impact on customers and improve their overall experience. This is particularly vital in the context of managing the complexities and interdependencies of T&D activities, which require a high degree of collaboration and communication to navigate effectively.

This presentation will take a deep dive into how Georgia Power held meetings statewide to collaborate with all transmission and distribution departments in their respective regions to better coordinate large projects around the state and to manage upcoming growth challenges. We will also highlight how we worked with a new organization, stakeholder engagement, to proactively improve customer communication due to upcoming projects largely impacting communities around the state.

Carol Johnston, VP Energy, Utilities and Resources - IFS
Shelby Bice, Stakeholder Engagement Manager - Georgia Power
Brittani McClendon, Project Engineering Supervisor - Georgia Power
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