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Making the case: Economic and societal values of DERMS with PG&E, Xcel, and National Grid

March 26, 2025
Policy and Regulation Advanced Distribution Operations DERMS

While the technical merits of distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS) have received significant attention in recent years, the economic and societal values of DERMS-enabled applications are still being discerned. 

This session presents methodologies for assessing the value streams enabled by DERMS to support utility investment decisions and cost-recovery filings. DERMS applications considered include supporting flexible interconnection agreements, non-wires alternatives, and DER grid services. Utility representatives from Xcel, PG&E, and National Grid will discuss real-world case studies that illustrate these concepts in practice. 

Session participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to evaluate the benefits of DERMS and apply these insights to optimize grid management and investment strategies.

George Bjelovuk, Vice President, Business Development - Electric Power Engineers
Yashar Kenarangui, Principal Engineer - Emerging Technologies - Xcel Energy
Tanguy Hubert, Senior Principal Technical Leader, DER integration - EPRI
Salma Bakr, Principal Product Manager - PG&E
Bridget Powers Beggs, Associate Engineer - National Grid
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