The future of flexible interconnections
One way to alleviate the time and cost challenges in the interconnection process is through a Flexible Interconnection. Flexible Interconnections allow generation, load, or storage assets to connect to the grid in exchange for the utility controlling the assets for certain periods of time to alleviate grid constraints.
This session will bring together four utilities from New York to discuss flexible interconnections. Avangrid, National Grid, Orange & Rockland, and Central Hudson will join flexible interconnections pioneer Smarter Grid Solutions to dive deep into the technical and policy requirements necessary to implement a flexible interconnection solution. The utilities will discuss the benefits of flexible interconnections, lessons learned from their implementation, and what they see as the future of flexible interconnections in New York.
Attendees will learn about how each utility implemented flexible interconnections, the grid benefits seen from utilities’ projects and how they plan to carry their projects forward into the future
Session sponsored by Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.