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Galina Antonova

Galina Antonova

Technical Sales Engineer, Hitachi Energy
Galina S. Antonova serves as a Technical Sales Engineer with Hitachi Energy in North America. She has over 25 years of experience in the area of electrical engineering, data communications and time synchronization, which she applied to the electrical power industry. In her current role Galina is applying her expertise to substation automation and protective relay applications. Galina received her M. Sc. Degree with Honors in 1993 and a Ph.D. in 1997 in Electrical Engineering and Data Communications from the State University of Telecommunications, St. Petersburg, Russia, and spent one year at University of British Columbia (UBC) on a scholarship from the Russian President. She is actively involved with IEEE PSRC, PSCC and is a Canadian member of the IEC TC57 WG10. Galina also served as a Canadian member of the CIGRE SC D2 and a Technical Committee Member of the previous CIGRE Canada conference hosted in Vancouver. In her spare time Galina enjoys ice dancing, playing piano and growing lavender.