March 24-27, 2025 | Dallas, Texas


Hantz Présumé

Hantz Présumé

Director, Transmission Planning, Vermont Electric Power Company (VELCO)

Hantz Présumé is the director of VELCO’s System Planning Group having served at the company since 2001. In his current role, Hantz conducts long-term planning studies, non-transmission alternative (NTA) studies, as well as generator interconnection studies. Hantz leads the Vermont 20-year transmission long-range plan effort, which informs stakeholders of potential system concerns due to electrification load growth or distributed generation growth. Prior to joining VELCO, he worked for ten years as a Planning Engineer at what was then Boston Edison, now Eversource, producing studies on long-term planning, large generator interconnection, and a number of exploratory scenarios. Hantz currently serves on the Reliability Coordinating Committee of the Northeast Power Coordinating Council, New England Power Pool’s Reliability Committee, and ISO-NE’s Load Forecast Committee and Distributed Generation Forecast Working Group. He received an MSEE in Power Systems from Northeastern University and an MBA from Boston College.