Hantz Présumé
Hantz Présumé is the director of VELCO’s System Planning Group having served at the company since 2001. In his current role, Hantz conducts long-term planning studies, non-transmission alternative (NTA) studies, as well as generator interconnection studies. Hantz leads the Vermont 20-year transmission long-range plan effort, which informs stakeholders of potential system concerns due to electrification load growth or distributed generation growth. Prior to joining VELCO, he worked for ten years as a Planning Engineer at what was then Boston Edison, now Eversource, producing studies on long-term planning, large generator interconnection, and a number of exploratory scenarios. Hantz currently serves on the Reliability Coordinating Committee of the Northeast Power Coordinating Council, New England Power Pool’s Reliability Committee, and ISO-NE’s Load Forecast Committee and Distributed Generation Forecast Working Group. He received an MSEE in Power Systems from Northeastern University and an MBA from Boston College.