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Herb Falk

Herb Falk

Senior System Architect, PCITek, Inc.

Mr. Falk has over 40 years of experience working in the automation, information exchange, standardization activities, and systems integration.  Previous employment was Westinghouse Numa-Logic and SISCO where he was responsible for 61850 and CIM integration projects and products.  Mr. Falk has been involved with IEC 61850 technology since 1982 and cyber security since 1993.  Mr. Falk is an editor of IEC 61850-8-1, editor of several cyber security standards, and is the Vice President of Testing for the UCA International Users Group (UCA Iug) . His work for His work for the UCA Iug has involved the coordination of IEC 61850 interoperability testing in 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017.
