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Randy Aeberhardt

Randy Aeberhardt

Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Tantalus Systems
Randy serves as the VP of Strategic Initiatives interfacing with multiple groups within Tantalus to help drive strategic direction and product development for the company. He has more than 30 years of experience in technology product design, development, and implementation with almost half of his career spent at Tantalus as one of the company’s earliest hires. While at Tantalus, Randy has expanded his skills in business development, technical and operational planning, and product development. He designed, delivered, and is named an inventor on the U.S. patent for TUNet, the Tantalus Utility Network, a high performance combination WAN/LAN/HAN utility AMI communications network which is now deployed at public power utilities across North America and the Caribbean. Randy holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of British Columbia.